Friday, July 01, 2005

I don't know if all b-schools use this "Pre-MBA" networking forum called Netvestibule. It certainly has changed the way Pre-MBA networking works. This is a one-stop shop for communicating with your future classmates, current students....lets see what all people are talking about here....some of the subjects that I have come across so far...

1. Drinking and partying in Bay Area, New Delhi, Paris, NY, Toronto and Beirut.
2. Scuba Diving, Middle East Peace (yes you heard it right), Govt housing, visa issues, the "another hot networking tool" linkedin.
3. For sale - bicycles, baby cradle, cars, microwaves, iron.
4. Opinions on houses, distances, weather etc.

My cheap judgements the above honorable acts.

1. There is a lot more demand for "woman housemates" to add to the "diversity" of the house. Well this is mainly attributed to the M:F ratio of 4 (approximation only) in INSEAD. Its a shame women are still not empowered enough to go for management careers (or are they simply smarter and don't spend all the dollars (sorry euros) they have earned on theoretical knowledge acquired through practical experience of classmates?)

2. Although people spend about Euro 65 K for this year at INSEAD, they still want to sell the Euro 8 worth of electric iron. That minute spent composing that message and handling the phone call (assuming the first caller bought it) was worth more than the Euro 8. Or am I missing something? Well, we all would like to believe we are worth much more than what we actually are. Guess what? It was absolutely worth trying to sell the iron for 8 Euros.

3. Pre-reading........everyone seems to be selling their pre-reading books and guess what? Atleast 2 of the 4 pre-reading books are exercise books. (remember the dots you needed to connect in your 2nd grade Art class?). What use is the art book after the dots are connected? And yet, the ads say "books as good as in new condition" almost invariably. I insist atleast the art books should be returned to the book stores if the claims are true.

4. Sadly, there are a few people still struggling to get their finances in order. I am surprised (INSEAD Praise warning), students are so supportive and almost always come out with ideas that are individualized for the "Scream for help".

5. I love the little picture that is on the left side of the email that comes from netvestibule. You get to see the person who sends the message. Atleast if you see this person on campus you will know...."Ah there goes the 8 Euro Iron guy".

6. Yesterday I think there was a technical problem and I got the same message 26 times (NOT KIDDING) and all of them were delivered to my inbox at work (yes, I am still working)

'till not empowered enough to go for management careers'..

what a stupid chauvinistic comment. Has it occured to you that as the average at INSEAD is 27-28, that by this time many women are having kids and have to forgo career opportunities much less spending a year in some chateux drinking wine all day long? Look athe % of women at US bschools...a lot higher. Part of the reason is that the avg age is younger.
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