Wednesday, August 31, 2005

The INSEAD French Test

Among all the crap I write, this one ought to be a "gift" (or so I hope) especially to INSEAD admits hoping to take French test before starting the program. I just came back from the French test. I am not going to do what the "certain language websites" do with the GMAT but then am going to give my experience with the test.

1. Practice the SAMPLE TEST, there definitely is some repeat. (3-4 points might eventually make a big difference).

2. Learn simple, regular verbs well before you actually move on to other things.

3. Conjugate, conjugate, conjugate (you are half way to level 3) atleast as per INSEAD.

4. Learn little phrases you might say in situations, slangs and others.

5. Translate and keep your INSEAD essays (atleast experience, goals and why INSEAD?) in simple French and you could actually get a lot of points with that ;-).

6. Time yourself need 90 minutes to finish at a reasonable pace and thats all you have. I know a few people who never got to writing the essay or even getting to 50-60% over-analysing the multiple-choice questions.

Life is fabulous. I did the test, I think I did reasonably well. But getting a certification right on day 1 might need a miracle. I think I might need classes in the middle of the year for a month perhaps. But better than expected.

I got my first breather today. I have about a couple of hours break today. Or is it more like 4 hours (before I head to a fellow students party). Well the MBA dean officially kicked off the program (there are about 10 here I think and all of them are called deans). Guy with a good sense of humor.

Met with my buddy today (an "official" friend to help from the previous class). He is fabulous. He actually said he got inspired by willy nilly's blog and found the school to be a good fit. (I knew then that blogging was not a waste of time)...hi hi hi.

Personal note to people taking the entry test in january...leave a comment with a question and I will try to answer it before my memory fades. I also hope to come back and look at my own notes here to remember what I need to do before the next test (if I fail).

First, congrats for you Blog. It's been really interesting to follow your steps into Insead back from preparation time! I'm waiting for one more week for my results (R2 applicant...)
I've got a more overall question regarding the language tests: is it charged separatedly, and if so, how much? Which level do you need to have in the language (your opinion, not the official statement)?
Tks a lot!!!
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