Monday, August 01, 2005

Missing Blogging.

Hey fellas, I am missing this place so much that I have been blogging "off-line" for days now. I wish I had been a little bit more tech-savvy and had figured the ipod thing before I got here. Its a little late now. The day I can "sync" my laptop to a network, I guess I will be flooding you folks. The good news is that I am atleast connected now (Thanks to my French school at Tours) and I am also blogging irrespective of whether you can see it or not. So hang in there and keep checking this link and you won't be disappointed. Here is an abstract of what has happenned so far.

1. Divine Intervention: Did not pay any excess baggaged even when I had about 60.5 Kgs. How? Fellow passenger with NO BAGGAGE was super-nice. Flights were ontime and cozy.

2. First Rental / Driving Experience in France: Is just great. Weather is awesome. On the second leg - I could touch upto 130 Kmph legally and 180 Kmph as I was willing to pay a 135 Euro fine. Beyond 180 the fine is > 1000 Euros. I couldn't floor the gas on my bimmer with such trivial limits but did get to Tours (250 Kms) in about 2 hours 15 minutes. Btw, I bought myself an old 3 series and am not at all disappointed :-).

3. Got to Tours yesterday, Today was day 1 in language school. Language test (to test level to put in the right class) was embarasssing. I did better than all 6 others in my test taking class. Tours is prettier than Fontainebleau in certain ways. Also the F:M ratio is greater than 1 in French classes :-). (So unlike the INSEAD MBA)

4. Host french family knows almost no English. Probability of them learning English currently seems higher than me learning le langue francaise. Progress updates soon. They are extremely nice.

Plenty of time on hand now. Just have trouble with network. Once that is sorted out. I am back to entertain you.

Today I also got an embarassing mass mail to say "you are not good enough to be an INSEAD journal writer" ;-). So I guess if you keep searching out there, you might get a better version.

Thanks Mave for the wishes. I will be travelling to Germany certainly.
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