Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Visiting Leader.

A senior executive from a leading Investment bank (oops, am I not talking like the dean now?).... from Morgan Stanley was here to kind of "endorse" all that we are learning in FMV (Financial Markets and Valuation aka Finance 1) . I have probably spent about 50% of my P1 time on this course. Homework takes for ever and every one of the 16 (with two passes allowed) are graded. I am however glad that the hardwork was worth it because the guy from the industry was actually explaining the terms. He even touched on "vicious downward spiral" in prices (assuming lesser mortals in P1 wouldn't know death spirals ;-) . He even managed to get away with calling the Ex-IB guys in the room "chickens" when no one was keen on answering a couple of his questions. The presentation was ok. About 50% of the people in the audience were bored. (I asked a sample of about 5).

Nothing much happenning. I need to organize myself to start preparing for the finals next week. Its scarily close and back-to-back.

Good luck in finals!
dude! you gotta post more often! I know you have finals and stuff, but think about your ardent readers for a minute and the disappointed look on their faces when they don't see a new post!
That is true. No posts = no fun :P

Maybe there should be a KPI for bloggers = 3 quality posts per week minimum.
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