Tuesday, February 28, 2006

The Turner Episode

After all that Paranoia in P2 about Prof. JC knowing about my blog, this time it caught me by surprise. "You were given enough clues" said Patrick Turner, my favorite professor (well this is not made up if you read my other posts already ;-)) when I went to his office to say good bye. Today was the last day of the period and it did catch me by surprise. But then I am glad it was less embarassing than being caught by our IT prof. especially before the grades were released

The Period Ends

The period ends and for once everyone feels very nostalgic. There are reasons for it. One some singapore starters will never get to see singapore again because they plan to spend time either in Fonty or Wharton / Fonty combo. I can't be emotional for singapore because I afterall felt like a broke tourist all the time. The coursework of course was exceptional. I certainly had the best "pack of professors" amidst all three periods but then I am sure it was simply attributed to the "self-selection" involved in electives. I think as I leave singapore, I leave very positive impressions of a country "that works" and a program that has the same high standards and quality ! I find a lot of +s to doing your INSEAD MBA in singapore. Here are a few broad categories

A lot better focus on Entrepreneurship compared to Fonty.
A great city life with a lot of life outside INSEAD.
Cheap tickets for the weekend to exotic places like Thailand, Cambodia, Indonesia and Malaysia.
Small campus, feels a lot less french and friendly (did I say that?)

The Fonty Househunt.

I start P4 in fonty in a few days and I still don't have a house. So I need to go and do that after I finish writing all the reports I need to turn in for P3 :-).

I am glad I am able to trigger emotions of this magnitude :-). What would I do without courses like Social Psychology in Management.
Yes indeed, in some moments I can bruit about that I agree with you, but you may be inasmuch as other options.
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I noticed the axiom you suffer with not used. Or you use the dreary methods of development of the resource. I take a week and do necheg
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