Sunday, March 19, 2006

Awesome Weekend

The weather is Fontainebleau is incredible. The sun is out, the sweaters are getting thinner, and the birds are chirping. Sigh ! Love France.

The McKinsey presentations were loved by several of my classmates. The partner I had dinner with (in a table of 5), was an incredibly smart German. Its amazing they fly some 50 partners/consultants in total from all over the world for a dinner. I feel there are several more efficient ways of doing this ! Anyways, no complaints on the food and drinks. We were treated royally. I should say the guy who made the "presentation" was the best public speaker I have seen in my INSEAD life (The MD of my previous employer was one such). Anyways, it was fun.

Nano Working

My nano at last is out of its packet today and its celebrating itself after a near month long break. Tons of music, tons of memories. Why do you think I am getting all nostalgic already

The True North

Well, I think I did mention my true north a while back didn't I? Doing something on my own. Although I do think I will not be able to pull something off the bag this year, I am planning to move into Industry (a boring one hopefully) and spend 40-50 hour work weeks and start on creating / buying something out ! Will call that blog "A Search" probably.

Travel around Europe
I plan a "every weekend travel" at the end of P4 probably because there is a bird telling me this is the last sometime I will be spending in Europe. I love the continent. It is just fabulous. Berlin and Paris are certainly my favorite cities but I am sure I am going to fall in love with Milan, Barecelona, Nice, Vienna and Prague when I see them.

Positivity in air...the spiral departs ;-)

So you've found your "own true North." Guess there won't be another Meg Whitman.
What kinda industry you getting into?
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