Friday, March 10, 2006

Pamper Time

It has been a hectic starting week. Three days up and I have spent about 25 hours in amphis just listening to professors, career services and professional interview trainers). Phew ! Thats a lot for someone graduating in a few months - yes? I really am hoping my schedule is going to get a little more relaxing than it is at the moment but its not going to be. There are going to be on the same day as many as 6 recruiters starting next week. They are all going to sell to us "their jobs" ! They pamper us with dinner invitations / cocktails and what not. But that lasts a couple of weeks. The tables get reversed starting first week of April when they start interviewing. After having seen a wide range of talented classmates, its going to be interesting to see who goes where. Its a part of the experience.

Todays experience in the mock-interviews was encouraging. I was told although I sounded guarded I sounded confident and clear for the jobs I am interested in (non consulting, non-banking). I will save it there. I have got motivated by a couple of consultants, I will keep you posted on how things turn-out. I need to get started on a ton of things this weekend.

Yeah so is CMS finally getting off their arses eh?
Bunch of bored housewifes who spend all day painting their nails.

Internationally diverse with 60-70 Indians per promotion and CMS...the hidden secrets of this school.
This anonymous(Chunky Monkey) sounds to be the same notorious 'suitboy1' of the businessweek forum. He got a dinge from INSEAD and hence he is hurt and furious. Please understand his tragedy and ignore his comments.

-- PasserBy
What's a dinge?
I have heard of binge before?
I dn't know what the hell you are talking about and to prove to DS that I know more than you can imagine I will put here two words that only an insider could know:
-Chunky Monkey

PS: Still very concerned about the destruction of diversity at INSEAD.
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